YDAY - Dalby Airport Link to the gateway AussiePak7 (10.01.2014) YDAY Dalby 1.0.0 Chatroom Rules (30.09.2019)
YDMG - Doomadgee Airport Link to the gateway AussiePak7 (10.01.2014) YDMG Doomadgee QLD Australia 1.1 (03.08.2020)
YDPD - Davenport Downs Airport Link to the gateway AussiePak9 (22.09.2013) (Fictional) Port Douglas Airport and Landing Challange 1.0.0 (04.06.2024)
YDPO - Devonport Airport Link to the gateway YDPO - Devonport, Tasmania (2012-09-15) Devonport Airport Tasmania Orthophotos 1.0.0 (15.09.2017) YDPO - Devonport, Tasmania (15.09.2012)